Thursday, November 12, 2009

Technology Literacy: Are we using it?

As you sit here reading this blog entry you are exhibiting the new age of communication. Today more and more people are turning to the Internet for research, new ideas, and best practices. Just as you sit here today, our students sit at home doing the same thing.

In the September 23, 2009 issue of Education Week, Paul Barnwell discusses Literacy Accountability In a New-Media Age. Barnwell says, “Accountability in literacy must be measured in how well all students are able to navigate the sea of information now available through the Internet and how effectively they can interpret and disseminate information in a multitude of forms.” He later asks, “…what if new multimodal forms rival traditional literacies in their usefulness to individuals and society?”

Are we, as educators, asking ourselves the same questions? Are we adding in curriculum to help students navigate their way through the Internet? Are our students learning what types of medias are out there and why someone chooses to use one form over another? The last quote I would like to take from Barnwell’s article is “It’s time for the accountability movement to demand that schools teach and foster responsible student use of new literacy forms.” Are you demanding this?

Please feel free to answer the questions below:

1. Why type of curriculum do you have in your districts to help students navigate through the Internet?

2. Are your schools/districts researching with the Internet?

3. What kinds of projects are you doing with your students using the Internet?

Upcoming Texas ASCD Events:

November 13th, 2009
Jumping Hurdles & Raising the Bar Toward Achieving Excellence in Science
Gloria Chatelain and Courtney Williams
El Paso, TX

November 13th, 2009
Teachers, Change Your Bait - Differentiated Instruction
Martha Kaufeldt
Corpus Christi, TX

November 18th & 19th, 2009
New Essential Curriculum for 21st Century Learners

Heidi Hayes Jacobs
Frisco ISD

November 19th, 2009
Understanding By Design - Follow-up
Judith Hilton
Palo Duro High School, Amarillo ISD

December 1st, 2009
Critical Issues Influence Institute
Hyatt Regency - North Dallas
by Invitation

December 8th -9th, 2009
Boot Camp for Curriculum Administrators
John Crain
Allen ISD

January 11th - 12th, 2010
Five Keys to Reading Success
Tim Rasinski
Northside ISD (San Antonio)

January 14th, 2010
Understanding By Design - Follow-up
Judith Hilton
Palo Duro High School, Amarillo ISD

January 18th, 2010
Teachers, Change Your Bait - Differentiated Instruction
Martha Kaufeldt
Canyon ISD

January 2010
Critical Issues Influence Institute
the Berry Center - Cypress Fairbanks ISD - Houston area
by Invitation

January 28th - 29th, 2010
Using Graphic Organizers and Assessment Tools to Make Mathematics Content More Accessible to Struggling Students
Beatrice Moore Luchin
Session Two of Three
Galena Park ISD (Houston area)

February 11th and 18th, 2010
Jumping Hurdles & Raising the Bar Toward Achieving Excellence in Science
Gloria Chatelain and Courtney Williams
Fort Worth ISD

February 15th & 16th, 2010
Mapping Active Literacy
Heidi Hayes Jacobs
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD
RESCHEDULED for this date

February 17th, 2010
Critical Issues Influence Institute
San Antonio ISD
by Invitation

February 17th - 18th, 2010
Connecting Content and Kids: Understanding By Design and Differentiated Instruction
Jay McTighe
Keller ISD

February 22nd - 23rd, 2010
Curriculum Leadership Academy III
Pat May Center - HEB ISD (Dallas area)
(First session of 3 sessions)

February 24th & 25th, 2010
Jumping Hurdles & Raising the Bar Toward Achieving Excellence in Science
Gloria Chatelain and Courtney Williams
Fort Worth ISD

March 11th, 2010
Understanding By Design - Follow-up
Judith Hilton
Palo Duro High School, Amarillo ISD

March 31st, 2010
Critical Issues Influence Institute
by Invitation

May 6th, 2010
Using Graphic Organizers and Assessment Tools to Make Mathematics Content More Accessible to Struggling Students
Beatrice Moore Luchin
Session Three of Three
Galena Park ISD (Houston area)

1 comment:

JimHaley said...

Before significant and impactful technology implementation is going to occur that will create a positive disruption, the current accountability and assessment system MUST be changed. Teachers and administrators will continue doing what they have been doing as long as the measure of our success is TAKS.