Friday, September 19, 2008

GPA’s. Should All Districts Rate the Same?

Grade-point average (GPA’s) is used to rank students in schools on how they are doing in their classes compared to their peers. The score is mainly used for college and university admissions. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) is proposing a legislation to require all school districts calculate all high school students GPA’s the same.

What does this mean to schools across Texas? This means subjects such as band, orchestra, or any physical education courses will not count in the figuring of GPA. Also, honors classes, Pre-Advanced Placement, and Pre-International Baccalaureate course will count the same as regular course work. The only classes that will get 1 extra point will be Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses.

Below are some highlights of the TCHEB’s proposal according to Texas Education News:

- GPA’s would be calculated on a four-point scale.
- Regardless of when a course is taken, the plan would include all academic courses in the TEKS curriculum.
- There would not be any credit for failed courses.
- There would be no credit for local-credit courses.
- They would only allow credit of out-of-state courses if they were awarded Recommended and Distinguished for these courses.
- They would only grant an extra 1-point each for Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses.
- GPA’s for college and university purposes only would be rounded to no more than three decimal places.

Please share with us how you feel about this.

How does this affect students that move to Texas?

Will this proposal affect students interested in Pre-AP and Pre-IB?

Upcoming Texas ASCD Events:

September 23rd, 2008
Reading Strategies for Secondary Math Tutorials and TAKS Retesting
Beatrice Luchin
Greenville ISD

September 30th - October 1st, 2008
Maximizing Student Success (in collaboration with ASCD International)
Tim Westerberg
Northside ISD (San Antonio)

October 19th - 21st, 2008
Texas ASCD 2008 Annual Conference
Moody Gardens Hotel, Galveston

October 20th & 21st, 2008
Curriculum Leadership Academy (Session 2)
Moody Gardens Hotel, Galveston

October 27th, 2008
Success with TAKS : Research Based Strategies and Activities to Improve Student Performance and Teacher Understanding of the TEKS & TAKS
Beatrice Luchin
Mesquite ISD
Exclusive District Retreat

October 30th, 2008
Jumping Hurdles and Raising the Bar Toward Achieving Excellence in Science
(for Middle School teachers)
Gloria Chatelain and Courtney Williams
Alvin ISD

November 18th-19, 2008
Maximizing Student Success
Tim Westerberg
Frisco ISD


Anonymous said...

Sure, all districts can rate the same.BUT, you have to give extra points to PRE-AP classes as well as AP. I have triplets and there is a BIG difference between pre-ap and regular classes. My daughter is taking regular Alg.II does about 30min of homework a night and recieved a 97. My two boys are in PRE-AP Alg II and do 2 hours of homework a night and recieved a 88 and 81 with the extra multiplier 96.8 and 89.1 for working so much harder, they recieved less in GPA points than her, but they will be ready for anything college throws at them.

My daughter is in PRE-AP English II and made a 97 with the multiplier she has a 106.7 the first 6 weeks. They had multiple projects and she spent 2 weekends working on them and read 2 summer reading books which they were tested over the first 2 weeks. It is a lot of work, but her thing. The two boys took regular English and did very little to make a 99 each.
If you do not give the points for the kids that want to challenge themselves-nobody will take the extra load and we will graduate dumber kid!!! Please, uniform the curriculum and even out the multipliers but do give the kids that want to do more the chance.

I could go on and on with examples of this. If you are gifted in a subject and want the advanced class, want to work hard for it you should get the extra points.

I would love to talk with someone about this. We have so many teachers every year and with 3 high school students , I see the differences. You mustn't take this from the over achievers and gifted students. Don't we want BRIGHT doctors, nurses, engineers, inventors??? We must educate them and give them the best public education there is and with the double edge sword of the top ten percent in state colleges your also must give them the extra points for GPA and class rank.
Triplet MOM that nows her AP>

Anonymous said...
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