Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Administration for Education?

On November 4th American citizens elected a new President. What does this mean to education? Below is a summary of the new President-Elect’s plan for education. This information was summarized from, Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s official website.

Early Childhood Education:

• Zero to Five Plan – create grants to fund voluntary, universal pre-school.
• Expand Early Head Start and Head Start – increase funding for Head Start and increase Early Head Start by four times.
• Affordable, High-Quality Child Care – make childcare affordable.


• Reform No Child Left Behind – put funding towards No Child Left Behind. Obama also wants to improve assessment, college readiness and help support schools that need improvement.
• Support High-Quality School and Close Low-Performing Charter Schools - funding for charter schools will be given to states that improve accountability and have a process in order for closing under-performing schools.
• Make Math and Science Education a National Priority – recruiting efforts to get math and science graduates into the education field. Have a stronger science curriculum.
• Address the Dropout Crisis – provide funding to school districts for middle school intervention.
• Expand High-Quality Afterschool Opportunities – double the funding for these programs.
• Support College Outreach Programs – support these programs and encourage low-income families to participate.
• Support College Credit Initiatives – increase 50% of students lacking AP or College level classes by 2016.
• Support English Language Learners – Hold schools accountable for graduating limited English students.

Recruit, Prepare, Retain and Reward America’s Teachers:

• Create the American Opportunity Tax Credit – refundable credit of the first $4,000 spent in the college of education. There is also a requirement of 100 hours of community service.
• Simplify the Application Process for Financial Aid – eliminate financial aid forms and instead have box to check on tax forms.

Please feel free to comment or answer any of the questions below:
What do you think of these plans?

Do you think what is listed above is enough for education?

If you had 10 minutes to spend with President-Elect Barack Obama what would you discuss?

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Tim Westerberg
Frisco ISD

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December 1st, 2008
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(for Elementary School teachers - Grades 2-5)
Gloria Chatelain and Courtney Williams
Mansfield ISD

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May 7th & 8th, 2008
Maximizing Student Success (in collaboration with ASCD International)
Tim Westerberg
Keller ISD

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Tim Westerberg
Sheldon ISD (Houston area)
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