Friday, June 20, 2008

The Opportunity: From "Brutal Facts" to the Best School We’ve Ever Had

Dr. Mike Schmoker will present “The Opportunity: From ‘Brutal Facts’ to the Best School We’ve Ever Had,” on Tuesday, October 21st at the Texas ASCD Annual Conference. Don’t miss our last keynote session; it will be a great closing to issues discussed throughout the conference.

Are you ready to hear the facts on college readiness, low-income students, assessment, and curriculum? These are the problems facing our schools today. Dr. Schmoker will confront these issues and get you thinking on ways to solve them. I know most of you are thinking, these issues are not new, we have had these issues brought up and nothing changes. We must work with one another to set goals, and assess them. We can’t not improve curriculum and teaching if we are not sure what is going on in the classrooms and how it is affecting the students. This is why goal setting is key, even if the goals are small, you will still be able to set marks where you should be and see if you are reaching these marks. We must work together as a team; teacher with teacher, and administrator with teachers to set goals, measure them, and then adjust the curriculum. Dr. Schmoker will touch on curriculum mapping, and design, teacher effectiveness, and learning communities.

Please feel free to comment or answer any of the questions below.

1. What methods in your schools have you been working on to address these issues?
2. In your opinion, what other problems are facing today’s schools?

Please join Dr. Mike Schmoker on Tuesday, October 21, 2008.

Upcoming Texas ASCD Events:

June 25 & 26th, 2008
Boot Camp for Curriculum Administrators
John Crain
Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD (Dallas/Fort Worth area)

July 14th, 2008
Mathematics TEKS Revisions K-8: Putting the Pieces Together
Beatrice Luchin
Region 16 ESC (Amarillo)

July 14th & 15th, 2008
Curriculum Leadership Academy (Session 1)
Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD

July 15th & 16th, 2008
Success with TAKS: Research Based Strategies and Activities to Improve Student Performance and Teacher Understanding of the TEKS & TAKS
Beatrice Luchin
Region 16 ESC (Amarillo)

July 22nd & 25th, 2008
Maximizing Student Success (in collaboration with ASCD International)
Tim Westerberg
Greenville ISD
Exclusive District Retreat

July 23rd & 24th, 2008
Maximizing Student Success (in collaboration with ASCD International)
Tim Westerberg
Mesquite ISD
Exclusive District Retreat